In this economy are decks a good investment?
The current slow economy has a lot of people freaked out, there are fears of job losses, and it seems like everyo
ne that has any money in the stock market has seen looses. Home prices have fallen (probably back to where they belong) and there is just a lot of uncertainty out there. The question is in these times, is a deck addition a good investment?
We think it is a very good time to have us build you a new or updated deck, and judging by the more than average amount of early interest, and quoting we are doing, many would agree. Here are some points to consider.
Home prices are in a slump but you can add value to your home, and there is no better buy then a deck. Kitchen and bathroom remodels are dramatic but can be very expensive, several times more costly than even the most exorbitant deck. In studies on value recaptured from home improvements, decks ranks at the top for monies spend to value returned, it was not unheard of for a great deck to recapture over 100% of its purchase price. Also, Decks bring us outside into the sun and closer to nature than any other home improvement. This has proven to be a very healthy and beneficial attribute of deck ownership. So spend some time outside enjoying your new deck and backyard it may keep you young.
If you qualify, loan rates are way down and refinancing has never been more affordable with rates in the low 5’s. It might make since to invest in your home now while the rates are favorable. In our area of the country, our homes are expected to have a decent outdoor deck. An old or decrepit or even just outdated deck can reduce the perceived value of your house, whereas a very nice new deck will surely be very desirable to all, and add significant value to your home.
Why not skip that expensive vacation this year and invest in your own backyard paradise, you can vacation in your own back yard for years to come. Adding a new deck or remodeling you old existing deck to better serve, can change your boring backyard to something fun and exciting. Next add some plantings or landscaping, maybe a pool or hot tub, an outdoor
kitchen or just a grilling area on the deck and the transformation is complete. But it all starts with a nice deck, an essential part of your home oasis.
We at deck specialists inc are doing our part to help out by holding our prices for a 3rd straight year. Even after last summer rapid increase in fuel prices which affected prices of all materials greatly, we did not raise our prices like everyone else. We have decided not to increase our prices again this year to better serve you in these difficult times, this makes our deck an even better bargain and a great value.
The current slow economy has a lot of people freaked out, there are fears of job losses, and it seems like everyo

We think it is a very good time to have us build you a new or updated deck, and judging by the more than average amount of early interest, and quoting we are doing, many would agree. Here are some points to consider.
Home prices are in a slump but you can add value to your home, and there is no better buy then a deck. Kitchen and bathroom remodels are dramatic but can be very expensive, several times more costly than even the most exorbitant deck. In studies on value recaptured from home improvements, decks ranks at the top for monies spend to value returned, it was not unheard of for a great deck to recapture over 100% of its purchase price. Also, Decks bring us outside into the sun and closer to nature than any other home improvement. This has proven to be a very healthy and beneficial attribute of deck ownership. So spend some time outside enjoying your new deck and backyard it may keep you young.
If you qualify, loan rates are way down and refinancing has never been more affordable with rates in the low 5’s. It might make since to invest in your home now while the rates are favorable. In our area of the country, our homes are expected to have a decent outdoor deck. An old or decrepit or even just outdated deck can reduce the perceived value of your house, whereas a very nice new deck will surely be very desirable to all, and add significant value to your home.
Why not skip that expensive vacation this year and invest in your own backyard paradise, you can vacation in your own back yard for years to come. Adding a new deck or remodeling you old existing deck to better serve, can change your boring backyard to something fun and exciting. Next add some plantings or landscaping, maybe a pool or hot tub, an outdoor

We at deck specialists inc are doing our part to help out by holding our prices for a 3rd straight year. Even after last summer rapid increase in fuel prices which affected prices of all materials greatly, we did not raise our prices like everyone else. We have decided not to increase our prices again this year to better serve you in these difficult times, this makes our deck an even better bargain and a great value.